If you secure rank to appear in tier 3rd examination, then according to your rank uh have provide a post of 1_data entry operator or 2_ LDC/JSA and postal assistant /sorting assistant in which test is conduct for 1_ is skill test and 2_ is typing test. CHSL exam paper for Tier-III contains a skill or typing test depending on the post a candidate is applying for. Post Test
Data Entry Operator Skill Test
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LDC/ JSA and Postal Assistant/ Sorting Assistant Typing Test.
SSC CHSL has 3 tiers in which tier 3 called skill test or typing test. Basically, skill Test is only for those, who have applied for the post of Data Entry Operators (DEO) in SSC CHSL. While typing test is only for those, who have applied for the post of Lower Division Clerk (LDC)/ Postal Assistant/ Sorting Assistant. After clearing the tier 3 exam, Candidates are shortlisted in merit list.
SSC CHSL Typing Test: According to SSC CHSL (10+2) selection procedure, Typing Test will be conducted for the post of Data Entry Operator (DEO), Postal Assistant(PA) /Sorting Assistant(SA), and LDCs on 26th Nov 2020. The skill test (typing test & DEST) for the eligible candidates of Combined Higher Secondary (10+2) Level Examination, 2018 is to be held on 26.11.2020. Aspirants are also advised to check the official notice by clicking on the link below: